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Staff Supporting the Work of PDCN

Headshot photo of Edward MorrisEdward Morris

Chief Executive Officer

Headshot photo of Daphna Levin-KahnDaphna Levin-Kahn

Individual Supports & HR Manager

Headshot photo of Kelley TempleKelley Temple

Systemic Advocacy Manager

Headshot photo of Annabel SmithAnnabel Smith

Senior Systemic Advocacy Officer

Headshot photo of Alice BatchelorAlice Batchelor

Senior Systemic Advocacy Officer

Headshot photo of Stuart GreenfieldStuart Greenfield

Project & Administration Coordinator

Headshot photo of Adrian O’MalleyAdrian O’Malley

Lead Educator & Peer Mentor

Headshot photo of Nicole NewtonNicole Newton

Educator & Peer Mentor

Headshot photo of Jacqui StephensJacqui Stephens

DIBS Project & Relationship Coordinator

Headshot photo of Susanne CzarnySusanne Czarny

Finance Officer

Joshua Rhodes

Online & Systems Manager