These short courses and certificate I and II courses prepare students to study higher level qualifications.
WOW (Work Opportunities for Women)
– info session Monday 13 Feb 10am Petersham TAFE Library, seminar room 1
A free computing course for women wishing to return to the workforce and plan their career steps; held during school hours. Certificate I in Access to Work and Training 10088NAT (free course)
Access to Aged Care Course
– Info session Wednesday 8 Feb 10am Room C2.34
An introduction to working in the aged care industry to support pathway to Cert III course. Skill set from Cert III Individual Support and job seeking units (free course)
Carpentry Skills
– Course begins Wednesday 1 March 10am Room Addison Road Community Centre
Supporting students to choose a suitable apprenticeship in the construction industry Short course (free)
Basic Computing/internet skills
Info session Wednesday 15 Feb 10am Petersham TAFE Library Seminar Room 1
Computing course for absolute beginners seeking employment. Short course (free)
Cert I Computing
Info session Wednesday 15 Feb 10am Petersham TAFE Library, seminar room 1
Computing course for people who wish to build on their basic computing skills. Certificate I in Access to Work and Training (Intro) 10088NAT (Fee-free and Sydney TAFE scholarships available)
Web Design
Course Begins Tuesday 28 Feb 10am Addison Road Community Centre
A project based approach to graphic design. Short course (free)
Urban Food Growing and Sustainable Living
Info session Friday 3 March 10am, Petersham TAFE Library, seminar room 1.
A hands-on community based course on growing herbs and vegetables, companion planting, bush regeneration and environmental sustainability. Short course (free)
Intro to Horticulture
Course begins Wednesday 22 Feb 10am Addison Road CC
For people considering a career in nursery work, horticulture, greenkeeping, landscaping, parks and gardens. Skill set from Cert I Skills for Work and Training 10088NAT (free)
Fees, exemptions, concessions and scholarships
For the few courses that are not free there are a range of concessions, exemptions and fee-free and equity scholarships available.
How to enrol
Most Information/Enrolment sessions for our courses will be held at Crystal Street campus of Petersham TAFE in Building C, Ground Floor, Library Seminar Room 1. This campus is close to Parramatta Road and the closest station is Petersham. Buses 445 and Parramatta Road buses stop close by. The 412 route is five minutes walk from the college.
Student Identifier (USI)
All students need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) before they enrol. It would be most helpful for prospective students if organisations and JobActives could assist their clients to get their USI, keep a record of it and ensure the clients place the number in their mobile phone. This is the link for how to get one: