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The NDS Centre for Applied Disability Research Survey

The disability sector is in a period of significant reform, presenting us with an opportunity to positively change the way services and supports are provided to people with disability. The need to promote evidence informed policy and practice, and effectively use research evidence to deliver quality services has never been greater.

The NDS Centre for Applied Disability Research (CADR) has been funded to pull together a comprehensive online collection of disability research and resources. The CADR ‘Clearing House’ will also include a range of resources for end users of research; information products called ‘Research to Action Guides’ that summarise what we know about effective practice and services and translate it into hands-on resources and learning materials.

CADR needs your input on which topics will be of most value for Research to Action Guides.

The poll will close at 5pm on 3 June 2016.

[otw_shortcode_button href=”” size=”medium” icon_type=”general foundicon-website” icon_position=”left” shape=”round” color_class=”otw-blue” target=”_blank”]Click here to complete the survey[/otw_shortcode_button]

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