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Research and Reports

If you require any PDCN research or reports in different formats please contact us by calling 02 9552 1606, or emailing

Early Reflections on Defining Disability Foundational Supports in NSW

June 2024
Read the report PDF here


Taxi Troubles: The Experiences of People With Disability and Taxis in NSW

March 2023
Read the report PDF here
Read the report Word document here


Better Care, Better Outcomes: Consumer Experiences of Person-Centre Care in NSW Hospitals

October 2022
This report was coauthored by PDCN and Health Consumers NSW.
Read the report PDF here


Access Denied: The Experiences of People With Physical Disability Across the NSW Housing Sector

May 2022
Read the report PDF here
Read the report Word document here


Connected and Automated Vehicles: Barriers and Opportunities for People with Disability

November 2021
This report was a co-authored by PDCN and La Trobe University.
Read the report PDF here
Read the report Word document here
Read all the documents on this project here


Updated: Report on the Impact of Ageing on the Needs of People with Physical Disability 2014

Report on the Impact of Ageing on the needs of People with Physical Disability 2011


NSW Transport Minister, The Hon Gladys Berejiklian, MP

NSW Planning & Infrastructure

NSW Police Force

NSW Office of Communities

Impact of Ageing on the Needs of People with Disability, 2008

Summary of the Impact of Ageing on the Needs of People with Disability Survey Results, 2008


Report on Access to Adjustable Height Examination Tables by People with a Disability at General Practitioners

Following on from the 2006 survey of GPs across Australia, undertaken by Sheila King of Access for All, to determine the number of adjustable height examination tables in surgeries and the Open Letter from the Australian Human Rights Commission issued in 2007, the Physical Disability Council New South Wales (PDCN) conducted a survey of people with disability in 2008/09 to gain more information and further insights about the extent of availability of such tables.

Please click on the following to download.

Report on Access to Adjustable Height Examination Tables by People with a Disability at General Practitioners

Summary of Report on Access to Adjustable Height Examination Tables by People with a Disability

For a copy of the new edition of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for General Practices, please click here.


Ageing with a Lifelong Disability Student Project Final Report

β€œThe Australian population is ageing and so too are people with lifelong disability. While it is acknowledged that people with disability have different needs than the general population, little research has been done on the extent to which these needs are addressed within the current service system.

In this project student researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), overseen by academics from the School of Social Sciences and International Studies (SSIS) and the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) have partnered with the Futures Alliance and three other disability peak organisations in NSW. The Futures Alliance is a cooperative of community representatives from disability and aged care providers which includes representation from consumers, academics and peak bodies. The purpose of Alliance is to remove boundaries and to maximise community resources to deliver improved options for people with a disability who are ageing. The Futures Alliance has been formed and has grown via a network of professional relationships with a shared vision of influencing policy pertaining to people with a disability who are ageing and ultimately improving outcomes for this group of people.”

Ageing with a Lifelong Disability Student Project Final Report, 2009


Leading the Life You Want to Live – Youth Consultations and Survey

View document by clicking the link below:

Leading the Life You Want to Live – Youth Consultations and Survey, 2007