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Election Resources


The iVote® system is offered as an alternate voting option to enable people who may have difficulty casting a vote at a polling place or voting independently.  Electors can vote using their computer or telephone from anywhere they choose… work, home, on a mobile phone, anywhere.

How do you use the iVote® system?

You need to have access to a computer or telephone. The iVote® system is available to people on the NSW Electoral roll:

  • who are blind or have low vision;
  • have literacy needs;
  • with a disability;
  • who live in remote locations;
  • or who will be outside NSW on election day.

Registrations for the iVote® system open nearer the time of State or Federal elections (the iVote® system currently is not available for Local Government Elections).

If you would like to find out more about iVote® you can visit the NSW Electoral Commission at